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EMB Expert Management Beratung GmbH

Herbststraße 6-10
1160 Wien - Austria
Tel: +43 (0)1 401 89-0
Fax: +43 (0)1 401 89-90

UID: ATU14886603
FN 69227 f, HG Wien

Home Mergers & Acquisitions

Mergers & Acquisitions

EMB offers extensive consultancy by means of a process orientied approach in the purchase as well as sale of companies and company shares. In case of acquisitions we guide you through the entire process up to the successful integration of the new enterprise. Furthermore we can take over management functions on a long term basis.

During the consultancy process we draw up all required transaction documents, e.g. information memoranda, business plans and business assessments in close co-operation with clients, solicitors, accountants and financial auditors. For this purpose we use self-developed analysis models which are individually adapted to the particularities of a project and then further developed.

Our network and branch know-how guarantees access to the significant decision makers. This ensures a targeted approach of eligible partners and investors, both on a regional and an international level.

In all projects we take over the overall co-ordination of the external consulting team which consists of solicitors, financial auditors and accountants.


  • The use of experts with transaction experience
  • The use of branch experts in project teams
  • Focussed approach
  • Experience in project management

Crisis as opportunity for acquisitions

Due to the global financial and economic crisis many major companies currently consider to sale of parts of their companies. However, the lack of liquidity will change the structure of transactions as well as the category of potential buyers. Special possibilities arise for ivestors with liquidity. They have the rare opportunity to acquire enterprises and divisions which normally would not be sold on actual valuations.

According to international surveys there will be more buyers in the future coming from Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC states). Also, in view of the given rigid credit markets transaction structures like joint-venture or stock exchange will be of increasing importance.