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EMB Expert Management Beratung GmbH

Herbststraße 6-10
1160 Wien - Austria
Tel: +43 (0)1 401 89-0
Fax: +43 (0)1 401 89-90

UID: ATU14886603
FN 69227 f, HG Wien

Home Company Mission Statement

Mission Statement

Contrary to the saturated EU-markets and despite of the current financial crisis, CEE & CIS regions still have a huge potential for growth. According to industry indices these regions have been the best performing regions worldwide recently, and these returns reflect the good results that the region’s GPs are generating.

The growth of the enterprises in CEE & CIS is mostly limited by lack of access to funds for expansion, partly by organisational weaknesses and technology. By injecting new management and training existing management, adding new technologies and know-how and providing capital leads to a significantly impact to the profitability of businesses in these regions and outstanding results.

EMB´s aim and approach is to bring together and support strong companies with the right opportunities to realize exceptional potentials and values. This approach has been developed taking especially the risk factors into account and based on over nearly two decades of experience with projects in CEE & CIS. Our business approach enables the realisation of these exceptional growth chances in CEE & CIS via various security measures in structure, controlling and selection of the targets. EMB and its network is also strongly positioned in CEE & CIS that’s allows an intense analysis, cross-checking and enforcement of our clients positions and interests.

Crisis as opportunity for acquisitions

Due to the global financial and economic crisis many major companies currently consider to sale of parts of their companies. However, the lack of liquidity will change the structure of transactions as well as the category of potential buyers. Special possibilities arise for ivestors with liquidity. They have the rare opportunity to acquire enterprises and divisions which normally would not be sold on actual valuations.

According to international surveys there will be more buyers in the future coming from Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC states). Also, in view of the given rigid credit markets transaction structures like joint-venture or stock exchange will be of increasing importance.